Church of the Virgin in Timotesubani

This is the winner of a Europa Nostra Medal

The Church of the Virgin in Timotesubani (12th – 13th c.) is one of the most important religious and cultural landmarks in Georgia. Built during the “Golden Age” of Georgian history, it contains unique cycle of mural paintings (1205-1215). Due to water infiltration and inappropriate earlier treatments, the church was suffering from serious conservation problems: flaking and powdering of both the paint and plaster layers, with salt efflorescence. Diffused microbiological damage resulted in a pink patina over much of the painting and plaster. As a consequence, the Georgian Arts and Culture Center called on Conservazione Beni Cultural to assist in the implementation of a full scale project to study the microbiological deterioration of the frescos and to elaborate a project and treatment methodology for the rehabilitation of this outstanding monument.

Church of the Virgin, Timotesubani GEORGIA

A series of problems pertinent not only to the work examined but also to a large number of other important sites in Georgia and worldwide were identified, and could act as a framework for their treatment. In addition the project facilitated the exchange of professional knowledge between the foreign consultants and Georgian professionals and students.

“For the detailed diagnostic studies and the development of a holistic methodology focused on the treatment of microbiological degradation, that have led to the successful conservation of an extraordinary example of Georgian medieval art.”

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