Stichting Federatie Monumentenwacht Nederland, Amersfoort

This is the winner of a Medal.

The nominated group, celebrating its 30th anniversary, is a strategic partner to the National Government. It is a ‘historic building watchdog’ whose aim is to prevent the deterioration of historic buildings by advising the owners on how to keep their property in good condition.

'Stichting Federatie Monumentenwacht Nederland', Amersfoort NETHERLANDS

They send its team of experts to carry out a detailed inspection of the construction and to make minor repairs. Their report acts as a maintenance plan with priorities and they have 15,000 buildings in their files. The practical approach of the nominated group has generated great interest in other countries.

“For their practical sense yet groundbreaking method in maintaining historic buildings by encouraging owners to understand the importance of day-to-day care, and for the example they have been to heritage groups in other countries.”

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