Stichting Stadsherstel in Hoorn

The Prize in Category 3 – Dedicated Service has been awarded to Stichting Stadsherstel Hoorn in The Netherlands. This private foundation was set up in 1973 to oppose the proposed pulling down and redevelopment of parts of the historic centre of the city of Hoorn, one of the founding cities of the Dutch East Indies Company. Run by volunteers, it has acquired buildings and ensembles for 35 years, conserving and finding new uses for them. Projects have ranged from social housing complexes to townhouses, and from warehouses to a chapel.

Stichting Stadsherstel Hoorn, NETHERLANDS

Also, the approach varied from pure conservation to insertion of sensitively designed new buildings when it appeared impossible to save the historic entities. Spread around Hoorn, the projects contributed not only to the fate of the respective buildings, but were of great importance to the conservation of the inner city urban fabric.

“The work of Stichting Stadsherstel Hoorn is a highly appreciated example of civil society’s involvement in the safeguarding of Europe’s historic city centres and of the importance of volunteers.”

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