The Silence that Tore Down the Monument

The anti-fascist “Monument to the Victory of the People of Slavonia” in Kamenska, Croatia, a thirty-metre high stainless-steel sculpture created by Vojin Bakić in 1968, stood as Europe’s largest abstract sculpture. It is a testament to Bakić’s avant-garde artistic vision. The sculpture was allegedly destroyed by the Armed Forces of Croatia in 1992, during the 1990s’ wars in former Yugoslavia. Meteorological data refutes earlier claims that the monument fell due to strong wind.

The Silence that Tore Down the Monument, Kamenska, CROATIA

This innovative project resurrected the monument through Augmented Reality (AR). A temporary installation at the original site of the sculpture was projected on a colossal LED screen, based on the project concept by Milorad Pupovac (SNV), work by artist Sandro Đukić, and curated by Davorka Perić. The installation brought the monument back to life, offering a remembrance of its original glory. Sound art by sound artist Marko Paunović accompanied this project. Additionally, a permanent information panel with QR code, facilitated by AR, ensures the enduring memory and virtual presence of this outstanding monument.

The inaugural event for the installation brought together more than 400 participants, among them people from the surrounding villages and members of the Association of Anti-fascists of Croatia, as well as cultural professionals working with modernist art and socialist heritage; peace activists, civil society representatives, representatives of the Serbian national minority in Croatia, and the general public. The participants could also visit other memorial sites in the vicinity of the destroyed monument created by Vojin Bakić.

The Silence that Tore Down the Monument, Kamenska, CROATIA

The AR installation took place after an exhibition documenting the original monument and its virtual resurrection. The exhibition, curated by Davorka Perić, was open to the public for two weeks at the Prosvjeta gallery in Zagreb, and was followed by a symposium which was organised by Lana Lovrenčić. Through a series of lectures and a round table event, speakers addressed various topics related to artistic approaches to commemoration, protection and archiving of socialist heritage in former Yugoslavia.

The Silence that Tore Down the Monument project challenges dangerous forms of revisionism of history and advocates for the positive embrace and safeguarding of Europe’s anti-fascist legacy. It underscores the need to invest necessary efforts, at all levels of governance, from local to European, in preserving the authenticity of collective remembrance through accurate history teaching, as well as about Europe’s most recent past.


This innovative use of AR technology to resurrect a destroyed monument is a pioneering approach in the field of heritage conservation. While being specific to its own circumstances, it serves as an important model for other, similar contexts. The Silence that Tore Down the Monument project also opens a positive dialogue and creates space for discussions on dissonant, and often forgotten heritage with the related communities at its core. The project respected the artistic vision of the monument’s sculptor, and undertook the process in a sensitive way. Time was taken to tell the story of how they created the model, and why they did it, allowing people to follow in the journey, therefore ensuring a transparent process with due citizens’ engagement”, the Awards’ Jury said.

Contact: Eugen Jakovčić, Serb National Council | |

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